We are in COVID-19 Modified Phase 3

COVID-19 Information and Updates

NOLA Gymnastics LLC Policies an Procedures during COVID-19 at 1725 Dufossat Street location

Social Distance Safe Reopening

March 6, 2022

Hello NOLA Gymnastics Parents and Students,

NOLA Gymnastics will implement the following protocols:

* All customers must sign the Acknowledgement of Risk Form.

All mats/equipment will be sanitized between each class. We trained our staff to strictly follow the guidelines we’ve been given and as always, put the safety and well-being of our students, families, and staff as our number-one priority.

Modifications to this document will be guided by the latest updates and guidelines from the CDC, the La Dept of Health, local health experts, and mandates issued from the City of New Orleans and the Louisiana Department of Education.

Gymnastics is considered a “limited contact sport” and is allowed by the LHSSA.

Please read this COVID-19 Information/Updates document in its etirety and check our site regularly for the latest updates.
Thank you, and please be safe!

Facial Coverings Facial Coverings

Starting March 7, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. Orleans Parish has lifted its indoor mask mandate.

  • Facial covering will be optional for students, faculty and staff.

Facial Coverings Quarantine

  • We will continue to follow isolation and quarantine policies for students, faculty, staff, and families.
  • We are reducing our quarantine for unvaccinated individuals to 5 days with a negative laboratory confirmed COVID test on day 5.
  • Students who are fully vaccinated will not be required to quarantine after an exposure but will be required to receive a negative laboratory confirmed test at day 5 post-exposure in order to remain on campus.
  • Exposures within the household will continue to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Facial Coverings Isolation (everyone, regardless of vaccination status)

  • An individual that tests positive for COVID-19 must remain home for a minimum of 5 days.
  • If you do not have any symptoms you may return to school after 5 days and must continue to wear a mask for an additional 5 days.
  • If symptoms are present, an individual must remain home until resolved.

Carpool Drop Off and Pick Up only Carpool Drop Off and Pick Up only

In order to maintain occupancy limits we must enforce a strict Carpool Drop Off and Pick Up only.

Click here for DROP-OFF / PICK-UP information

Waiting Area Waiting Area

  1. Parents may enter campus or stay during classes. Due to limited parking and traffic around campus we ask you to limit your visits to only ONCE PER MONTH.
  2. Please sign VISITOR sheet on the wall and check the month you attended.
  4. Parents are not allowed beyond the waiting area and not allowed at the cubbies.
  5. You must leave at the end of class and line up at the Danneel Street Garage for PICK UP.
  6. No child will be released in the waiting room.

Locker Rooms Locker Rooms / Bathrooms

  • Students are to arrive dressed in the clothing and equipment they will need for the activity. Absolutely no changing at the facility.
  • Restroom use should be limited and only used if absolute necessary. No congregating or changing in the restrooms.
  • Restroom use will be limited to 1 person per gender at a time.

Cleanliness and Sanitation Cleanliness and Sanitation

In addition to already stringent cleaning policy, we’re taking the following additional measures to ensure your child’s safety:

  • No food or drinks allowed in gym.
  • Coaches and Students will sanitize their hands upon entering/exiting the building and between events.
  • Team members only must bring their own backpack for hand sanitizer, water bottles, and chalk.
  • Hydration stations (water fountains, water troughs, etc.) may not be used.
  • Multiple hand sanitizer stations will be readily available and exist all over gym.
  • Bathrooms and high contact surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day. High touch surface areas include, but are not limited to, doorknobs, countertops, hand rails, and bathrooms.
  • All mats and used equipment will be cleaned in between classes and rotations.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Students should be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning home.

Locker Rooms Class Structure

  • Warm ups will be done with students distancing 6 feet apart. Clearly marked “Xs” will indicate where the students will exercise.
  • Events/rotations will be done by circuits, to establish spacing of each skill.
  • No students under 3 can participate at NOLA classes.
  • No birthday parties, camps or open gyms allowed until further notice.
  • All students and coaches are required to wear facial coverings.

Suspected Illness Suspected Illness

Daily Health Screening

Parents are expected to perform a health screening of their child every morning ensuring that their child does not exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms and that there are no recently received positive COVID-19 diagnoses in the household based on the following questions:

  1. Have you had a recent fever greater than 100°?
  2. If you have had a fever greater than 100°, have you been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medications?
  3. Do you have a cough that started or has become worse in the last 48 hours?
  4. Do you have shortness of breath that started in the last 48 hours?
  5. Have you or a family member in your household received a recent COVID-19 positive diagnosis?

Please be cautious when choosing to send your child to NOLA Gymnastics. We rely on your responsibility to keep your NOLA Gymnastics family safe.

  1. Parents must check their child’s temperature and evaluate for symptoms prior to attending class.
  2. Do not send your child with flu or cold-like symptoms.
  3. All staff and children are required to stay home if sick.
  4. Do not send your child if they or a household member have been exposed to or in contact with COVID-19.
  5. Coaches will temperature check and send your child home if we suspect illness. We will require a doctor’s note to return to class.
  6. We will require a 5-day quarantine for athletes who test positive or come into contact with COVID-19.
  7. Athletes, coaches, and members must see a physician and be cleared for recreational activity after being diagnosed or suspected to have COVID-19.

NOLA Gymnastics main facility is at 1725 Dufossat Street.

We also teach aftercare gymnastics programs at Newman, Sacred Heart and McGehee.